Copyright Policy

All Harvard users must respect the copyrights in works that are accessible through computers connected to the Harvard network. Federal copyright law prohibits the reproduction, distribution, public display or public performance of copyrighted materials without permission of the copyright owner, unless fair use or another exemption under copyright law applies. In appropriate circumstances, Harvard will terminate the network access of users who are found to have repeatedly infringed the copyrights of others, and may also take disciplinary action.

Information about the application of copyright law to peer-to-peer file sharing of music, movies and other copyrighted works is available on this website.

Students with questions about copyright or this policy are invited to raise those questions with an appropriate dean, tutor or academic officer. Students in the College, for example, may contact the Ad Board, or their House or Yard Dean.  Staff supervisors and members of the faculty with questions are welcome to contact the University's Office of the General Counsel  617-495-1280.